How to Increase Intrinsic Motivation

Consider for a second what is your motivation behind reading this article. Are you reading it because you are interested in learning more about psychology and how to be more motivated? If the answer is ‘yes’, then you are being driven by intrinsic or internal motivation. Are you, on the other hand, reading this article to gather some information for a school essay and get a good grade? If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, then you're being aroused by extrinsic motivation.

Motivation is what determines what we do, how much effort we put on something and how long we do it for. It has been said that our performance is only as great as our motivation, so whether it is intrinsically or extrinsically, everyone is pushed by a certain type of motivation to do something in all areas of their life. However, it is important to learn how to increase intrinsic motivation for a healthier and gratifying life. But, why?

When you carry out a task based upon intrinsic motivation, you are doing it because the activity itself feels rewarding and the end goal is growing and challenging yourself. On the contrary, if you do something based upon extrinsic motivation, you are expecting a reward such as money, a prize, an acknowledgment from a superior, etc. You might not enjoy what you are doing but what pushes you to complete a task is an external compensation. It is important to know how to increase intrinsic motivation in order to feel more fulfilled at work, at school, etc., and to keep going when the external reward is no longer there.

Intrinsic Motivation Examples

At Work

Intrinsic motivation in the workplace might take place when you are working on a project and you are motivated to perform as well as you can to develop your skills and feel accomplished. However, you might take on a project at work in order to prove to your superiors you’re qualified enough to be promoted, for the salary, or simply so you don’t get fired. These reasons fall into the extrinsic motivation category.

At School

Studying for an exam because you want to learn more about a subject would mean you’re driven by intrinsic motivation. If you study for an exam to get good grades and get into the university you want, then you’re being driven by extrinsic motivation. Students whose teachers look into how to increase intrinsic motivation and are constantly asked what they want to learn, what method of learning they enjoy the most, and regularly change their class environment are more excited to study.

In Sport

Running because you find the activity relaxing and liberating or because you are trying to beat your own personal record falls into the intrinsic motivation type of action. If, however, you are running every single day to participate in a competition and win it, then the physical activity is being incited by extrinsic motivation.

In Friendships

When you spend time with a friend because you enjoy their company is intrinsic motivation, but if you’re hanging out with them just to gain popularity and boost your social standing, that’s an external motivating factor.

How to Increase Intrinsic Motivation

So, we’ve seen the importance of building intrinsic motivation to make any type of activity feel like a fun hobby rather than a chore. Sure, we are mostly motivated by external factors, but the desire to keep trying and enjoy something when no reward is offered makes intrinsic motivation an extremely influential force. So, how do we increase intrinsic motivation?

Make an Impact

People who feel they are working towards something that will impact others positively have an easier time sticking to their goal. When you do something for someone else, rather than only for yourself, you feel a greater sense of accomplishment, as you’re putting your skills to work for a good cause. So, try to find an activity that in addition to benefiting yourself, benefits the environment and helps others.

Follow Your Passion

If you’re wondering how to increase intrinsic motivation and not be a quitter, just chase your passion and work towards your goals. That means look for a job that you’ll be happy to attend every single day, rather than a job that pays well but that you don’t enjoy. By trying to promote intrinsic motivation you are also improving your mental health, as there’s a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction within yourself that is greater than what others think of you.

Decrease Extrinsic Motivation

And by that, I mean get rid of external rewards as much as possible and, from now on, go for projects that won’t be rewarded with an external factor. And if you are forced to do something for work or school, try to find the benefits that it will bring you internally. For example, if you have to learn a new language for a job, rather than complete the course mainly to get the certification and show it to your boss, take it as an opportunity to learn and see it as a new skill that can make you different and more qualified than others.

This surely is one of the best ways to increase intrinsic motivation as if you only go for jobs that fulfill you, or hobbies that make you feel good and defy you and, thus, make you grow; you will have a complete and happy life. You then won’t have to worry if people praise you or not or if you have to win a competition in order to be valid and you will only focus on the happiness that comes from you.

Keep reading: How to be productive working from home (the 20-minute rule)

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